Web Site Redesign

        Recently, I've received a few emails wondering why I haven't added much to the site the past month or so.  There are two reasons for it. 

        During most of the month of February I had to search the internet to find a new home for Old Newark.  My old website host company went out of business.  After a new company was found I had to transfer the site.  Since this site is very large there were some problems in the transfer which took longer than expected. 

        The second reason has to do again with the size of this web site.  The recent move has shown the problems with the current format.  The program that I use to make and publish Old Newark is the cause of these problems.  Actually, the problems started last year but I was able to make some adjustments and continue to use the program.  Well, now it has reached such a size that this program will no longer work and I have to convert this entire web site to a new program.  When I do this I have to redesign parts of the site and also learn the new program and a few computer languages. 

        I have started the learning process and over the next few months I will be redesigning this site.  During that time I will most likely only be adding Memories to the site.  BUT whatever is sent to me will be put on the site after the conversion is done.  Anything that has been sent to me and not put on the site yet will also be added after the conversion.  I am sorry for this delay but if I add them now I will be doing the work twice and the conversion will take a much longer time.  I am also open to any suggestions as to color schemes or other design features.  Please email them to me.

        During this time, nothing will be missing from the site but you may begin to see a new design.  The Guestbook, Trivia section and Chat Room will still be open, nothing will change there.  Please continue to use them.  I'll be working feverishly in the background during this time.  If you email me with questions or lookups, I may not be able to respond to your email for several weeks, possibly even a month or two.  (I know, some of you will say nothing changes there : ) )

        Thank You for your patience during this conversion.  And please email me with any thoughts on what you would like to see, from user input to new sections to a new color design. 

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 1998-2004 Old Newark WebMaster. All rights reserved.
Please send all comments and suggestions to the Web Master